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Posted: Thursday, December 7, 2017

KissFlow Process, Technical Assistance

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Associate deans and department chairs should regularly check their e-mail from KissFlow; this is the main communication device used in the Curriculum Committee reviewing process. Departments must be sure to delete proposals from KissFlow once they are approved, withdrawn, or rejected. Also, for proposals that require revisions, updated versions must be uploaded (including any online routing forms that may have changed) and previous, unapproved versions deleted. Title changes and prefixes also must be correctly updated in KissFlow when changes are made to original submissions. Please remember that any new course proposal prefix must not be reused from previous years or historical use.

Curricular authors, department chairs, or associate deans who experience technical problems with KissFlow, including uploading documents, workflow processes, and additions, should contact Andrew Chambers, information management specialist in RITE, who handles all technical issues within KissFlow. Neither the Senate Office nor the Curriculum Committee has access to proposals in the workflow system.
