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Posted: Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Formal Procedure for Intellectual Foundations 2014

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
In order to provide a smooth transition for students and faculty with regard to Intellectual Foundations 2014, the College Senate Curriculum Committee requests that departments review their entire list of current IF offerings in tandem with the IF 2014 Student Learning Outcomes, available on the Intellectual Foundations website. As a part of this review, members of the IF Oversight and Assessment committees will be happy to coordinate a visit with departments, department chairs, or department curriculum committees to answer questions and provide information about the learning outcomes and assessment. To schedule a meeting, please contact Amitra A. Wall, assistant dean of intellectual foundations and first-year programs.

Following the review of their courses and the appropriate SLOs, each department must submit to the College Senate Office, Cleveland Hall 211, a signed IF Course Inclusions Form (distributed to department chairs) for each IF category in which the department has courses. The Senate Office will log and distribute the signed forms to the appropriate offices.

Departments should complete the IF Course Inclusion Forms by Monday, November 25, to ensure accurate and timely implementation of IF 2014. Please direct any questions to the chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee, Karen Sands-O’Connor.
