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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, October 25, 2018

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following has been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review:

Program Revision:
B.S. Physics, BS-NS PHY


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for fall 2018 review:

Program Revision:
M.S. Forensic Science, MS-NS FOR

New Courses
BUS 620 Marketing Strategy. Prerequisites: Graduate standing, BUS 624. Introduction and analysis of marketing strategies that propose concrete, measurable actions to accomplish specific marketing objectives. Topics include customer relationship management; customer social and digital media engagement; brand management; marketing-mix strategies including product, price, promotion, and distribution strategies; marketing metrics; and sustainable marketing in a global environment. Offered alternating years.

BUS 624 Business Communications in a Digital World. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Introduction and analysis of effective digital communications strategies in today’s business environment. Topics include traditional versus digital business communication, marketing, and PR tactics; effective messages, both written and oral, from concept to delivery; and practical applications of digital communications. Offered alternating years.

BUS 660 Managerial Analytics and Decision Making. Prerequisites: Undergraduate-level statistics, graduate standing. Introduction and analysis of business analytics, or the ways in which enterprises such as businesses, nonprofits, and governments can use data to gain insights and make better decisions. Applications of business analytics in operations, marketing, finance, and strategic planning among other functions. Emphasis on business analytics techniques to the extent that they can be used to provide real insights and improve the speed, reliability, and quality of business decisions. Offered alternating years.

BUS 666 Information Systems Management. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Introduction and analysis of the information systems concepts and techniques used in today’s competitive environment. Topics include the concepts of enterprise information systems, use of information systems to achieve strategic goals and to gain competitive advantages, the impacts of information systems on business process reengineering and management, managerial issues in developing information systems, IS project management, and other contemporary IS technologies. Offered alternating years.
