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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, April 9, 2020

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following has been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review:

New Course:
ADE 641 Organizational Development


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for final spring 2020 review:

New Program:
Undergraduate Certificate in Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Leadership (CEIL)

Program Revision:
B.F.A. Art Education (Pre-K–12)

New Courses:
CRJ 511 Crime Analysis. Prerequisite: Completion of undergraduate or graduate statistics. Introduction to tools and techniques needed to analyze and present data within the context of policing. Examination of the role and responsibilities of a crime analyst. Examination of data-based solutions for crime problems. Offered every other semester, beginning fall 2020.

CRJ 611 Data-Driven Policing. Prerequisite: CRJ 511. Historical and current trends in data-driven policing to an increased reliance on evidenced-based, intelligence-led, problem-oriented, community and risk-based policing. Examination of different data-driven styles and strategies of policing. Implementation of data-driven policing in local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. Offered every other spring semester, beginning spring 2021.

CRS 730 Foundational Qualitative Research Methods in Creativity Studies. Prerequisite: CRS 689. Exploration of foundational qualitative research methodologies used in creativity research. Examination of approaches to evaluate and design qualitative research. Practice in coding a narrative dataset related to an area of creativity studies. Application of qualitative data analysis methods to creativity datasets. Offered annually, beginning fall 2020.

CRS 731 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods in Creativity Studies. Prerequisites: CRS 689 and CRS 730. Advanced qualitative research studies in the field of creativity. In-depth application of qualitative research methods to creativity datasets. Utilization of a variety of methods such as grounded theory, case study, and phenomenology. Development and execution of a qualitative research design with opportunities to disseminate the work in the field of creativity. Offered annually, beginning spring 2021.

CRS 740 Foundational Quantitative Data Analysis and Statistics in Creativity Studies. Prerequisite: CRS 689. Foundational statistics and quantitative methods applicable to creativity research, e.g., descriptive and inferential parametric and non-parametric statistical methods. Software programs used for quantitative data analysis. Linking research design with statistical procedures. Preparation for advanced statistical procedures for students who intend to use quantitative methods in their dissertation. Offered spring semester, beginning spring 2021.

CRS 741 Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis and Statistics in Creativity Studies. Prerequisite: CRS 740. Advanced statistics and quantitative methods in creativity studies, such as multivariate and multiple regression analyses. Assumption and diagnosis testing. Scale development and use of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Quality assessment of data collection instruments. Critique of published work and preparation of research reports based on data analysis. Offered every fall, beginning fall 2020.

ENG 612 British Literature. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or instructor permission. Selected periods, writers, forms, movements, and theoretical movements in British literature. Offered every semester, beginning spring 2021.

MUS 691 Graduate Project in Music Education. Prerequisite: Admission to the master of music in music education program. Guidance in designing and implementing a culminating degree project. Students choose and apply various theories, philosophies, pedagogical practices, and research methodologies to deepen their understanding and improve their pedagogy in a chosen area of music education. Offered occasionally, beginning fall 2020.

New Courses with Intellectual Foundations Designations:
PHI 113 Environmental Ethics. Introduction to environmental ethics. Ethical theories and ethical implications of human interactions with the environment. Issues such as sustainability, environmental justice, preservation, and the value of species. Offered occasionally, beginning fall 2020.

PHI 361 Race and Progress. African American philosophical thought with a specific focus on the concept of progress. Both historical and contemporary responses to issues specific to the African American experience, such as understanding the concepts of race and racism, social and political forces required to generate progress, and the limits of progress within the black community. Offered fall semester, beginning fall 2020.
