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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, February 1, 2018

Curricular Items

Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review:

New Courses:
CIS 494 Research in Computer Information Systems
HIS 347/PSC 338 Politics and History of Modern Terrorism I
HIS 348/PSC 339 Politics and History of Modern Terrorism II

New Course with Intellectual Foundations Infusion (INF):
BIO 440 Applications in Biotechnology (CT, IM, W)

CT=Critical Thinking, IM=Information Management, W=Writing

Course Revisions:
BIO 111 Foundations of Biology
BIO 333 Biological Form, Function, and Diversity
GEG 485 Interactive and Web-Based Mapping
GEG 525 Fundamentals of GIS
GEG 529 Advanced Topics in GIS
HEW 412 Community Health Promotions Program
PHY 435 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for spring 2018 review:

Program Revisions:
M.A. Great Lakes Ecosystem Science, MA-NS GLE
M.S. Great Lakes Ecosystem Science, MS- NS GLS

Course Revision:
PHY 213 University Physics III. Prerequisite: PHY 112; prerequisite or corequisite: MAT 263/264 or instructor permission. Continuation of PHY 112. A calculus-based introduction to wave motion, physical optics, interference, and diffraction phenomena, thermodynamics, and the kinetic theory of gases. Offered fall semester.
