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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, October 24, 2024

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following has been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the interim president for review:

Course Revision:
ENG 491 Pathways to Publishing: Manuscript Revision and the Business of Being a Published Writer (formerly ENG 491 Senior Seminar for Writing Majors)


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the Curriculum Committee for review:

New Course:
ENG 365 Writing and Social Justice. Prerequisite: CWP 102. Critical exploration of how activists have used varied forms of writing and rhetoric—from op-eds to hashtags—to advocate racial, feminist, queer, economic, and disability justice; student application of these writing strategies and genres toward social issues that affect themselves and their communities. Offered occasionally.

Course Revisions:
ENG 220 Topics in American Literature (formerly ENG 220 American Literature to 1865). A study of selected themes and authors in American literature. Offered fall semester.

ENG 221 Foundations of American Literature (formerly ENG 221 American Literature since 1865). A study of foundational texts and authors in American literature. Offered spring semester.

EXE 362 Classroom Management and Positive Behavioral Approaches (formerly EXE 362 Behavior and Classroom Management). Prerequisites: EXE 100 (minimum grade of C for EXE majors); Special Education/Childhood Education or Childhood Education major; minimum cumulative GPA of 2.6 for SCE majors. Understanding the nature of behavior for students with and without disabilities in various educational settings. Development of skills in using tools and strategies for managing classroom environments and instruction, with a focus on preventing and remediating target behaviors, aiming to increase student success and independence across all domains. Teaching P–12 students effective self-management and coping strategies for academics and social interactions. Offered every semester.

Course Revision with General Education 2023 Designation:
ENG 380 The History of the Printed Book. Prerequisite: CWP 102 or equivalent. Analysis of the printed book as a physical, historical, social, aesthetic and cultural object. Course requires original bibliographical research. Offered every three years.

Change of Status: Program Deactivation:
M.S. Industrial Technology
Deactivation effective fall 2025; Buffalo State will not accept students into the program as of October 2024.
