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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, October 10, 2024

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following has been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the interim president for review:

Course Revision:
HTR 480 Practicum in Hospitality Operations


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the Curriculum Committee for review:

Course Revisions:
ENG 210 Topics in British and Irish Literature (formerly British Literature to 1700). A study of selected themes and authors in British and Irish literature. Offered fall semester.

ENG 315 Shakespeare (formerly ENG 315 Shakespeare I). Prerequisites: Upper-division standing and one course in English or THA 316. Shakespeare’s work: the sonnets, tragedies, histories, comedies, and romances. Offered fall semester.

ENG 337 Literature in Translation (formerly ENG 337 Modern European Literature). Prerequisites: Upper-division standing and one course in English. Study of cultural themes, social ideas, and historical movements in selected literature in translation. Offered occasionally.

ENG 345 Modern World Literature (formerly ENG 345 World Literature after 1945). Prerequisites: Upper-division standing and one course in English. World literature: poetry, fiction, and drama along with historical and cultural backgrounds of literatures across the globe. Offered fall semester.
