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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, April 20, 2023

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following has been approved by the Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review:

Program Revision:
B.S. Health and Wellness


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the Buffalo State Senate Office and forwarded to the Curriculum Committee for review:

New Programs:
M.S.Ed. Social Studies Education 7–12, including Initial Certification
M.S.Ed. Social Studies Education 7–12, 5–6 Extension, including Initial Certification

Program Revision:
B.S. Urban Planning and Public Administration (formerly B.S. Urban and Regional Planning)

New Course:
PAD 508 Housing as Public Policy. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Exploration of housing’s place in American society and the role of public policy. Examination of the inequalities of the current housing system and the role of planners and public administrators in creating more socially equitable housing policy from a position of “decent and affordable housing” as a human right. Offered occasionally.

Course Revisions:
BUS 488 Internship (formerly BUS 378 Professional Business Practice). Prerequisites: Upper-division standing and instructor permission. Supervised internship/field experience in a business setting offering practical, hands-on application of business concepts and theories. The internship is under the direction of a faculty internship supervisor with cooperation of company internship supervisor. Students can earn 3–12 credits based on internship hours completed. Offered every semester.

ENG 362 Children’s Literature (formerly ENG 260 Children’s Literature). Prerequisite: CWP 102. Introduction to children’s literature, both fiction and nonfiction, from classic to contemporary. Examination of principles and concerns of literary quality, critical theory, and the historical development of children’s literature. Attention is also given to the role of technology and multimodalities in children’s literature. Offered every semester.

PHY 410 Advanced Physics Laboratory. Prerequisite: PHY 307 or equivalent. Selected advanced experiments chosen from the areas of modern physics, optics, nuclear physics, solid-state physics, and semiconductors. Offered spring semester.

PLN 315 Land Use Planning and Development (formerly Principles of Urban and Regional Planning). Prerequisite: PLN 215. The composition and administration of municipal development regulations and zoning ordinances, including their relationship to current and long-range planning. Examination of methods to determine site feasibility and design, inventory existing land uses, and determine locations for future land uses. Regulatory approval process for land development projects, including environmental review. Offered occasionally.

Course Revisions with General Education 2023 Designations:
PLN 341 Housing and Equitable Urbanism (formerly Housing and Real Estate). Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing; one social science course. Examination of housing’s place in American society and the role of public policy. Exploration of the inequalities of the current housing system and the role of planners and public administrators in creating more socially equitable housing policy from a position of “decent and affordable housing” as a human right. Offered occasionally.

FRE 101 Beginning French I. Fundamentals of French, with an emphasis on the spoken and written language at the novice-mid level of proficiency, as well as on common educational, family, and geographically diverse features of French-speaking cultures. Offered every semester.

FRE 102 Beginning French II. Fundamentals of French, with an emphasis on the spoken and written language at the novice-high level of proficiency, as well as on common health, sports, leisure, and culinary features of French-speaking cultures. Offered every semester.

ITA 101 Beginning Italian I. Fundamentals of Italian, with an emphasis on the spoken and written language at the novice-mid level of proficiency, as well as on common educational, family, and geographically diverse features of Italian-speaking cultures. Offered every semester.

ITA 102 Beginning Italian II. Fundamentals of Italian, with an emphasis on the spoken and written language at the novice-high level of proficiency, as well as on common health, sports, leisure, and culinary features of Italian-speaking cultures. Offered every semester.

SPA 101 Beginning Spanish I. Fundamentals of Spanish, with an emphasis on the spoken and written language at the novice-mid level of proficiency, as well as on common educational, family, and geographically diverse features of Spanish-speaking cultures. Offered every semester.

SPA 102 Beginning Spanish II. Fundamentals of Spanish, with an emphasis on the spoken and written language at the novice-high level of proficiency, as well as on common health, sports, leisure, and culinary features of Spanish-speaking cultures. Offered every semester.
