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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, April 8, 2021

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review:

New Program:
Undergraduate Certificate in Exercise Science

Program Revision:
B.A. English, BA-AH ENG

New Courses:
CRS 731 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods in Creativity Studies
CRS 735 Advanced Applications of Creative Leadership
HEA 730 Data Visualization and Storytelling

Course Revision:
BIO 699 Capstone Experience in Biology

Course Revision with Intellectual Foundations Designation:
ENG 356 Speculative Fiction


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for spring 2021 review:

Program Revisions:
B.S. Forensic Chemistry, BS-NSS, FRC
Undergraduate Certificate in Sports Communication, SCO-UGCT

New Courses:
CIS 414 Multimedia Methods, Tools, Programming, and Applications. Prerequisite: CIS 151. Examination of various media related to the needs of CIS professionals in business and industry. Students apply a range of methods, tools, and resources in the planning, design, development, and programming of a variety of digital multimedia products for presentation, communication, instructional, and other professional purposes. Offered fall semester, beginning fall 2021.

CIS 461 Programming with Python. Prerequisite: CIS 251 or CIS 361. Introduction to Python, a general-purpose, high-level programming language whose design philosophy emphasizes code-readability. Examination of Python as multi-paradigm language that can be used to develop specific-purpose software. Students develop and present a research project using Python. Offered fall semester, beginning fall 2021. 

COM 616 Social Media Strategies. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or instructor permission. Uses of social media in the public relations field. Includes definitions; ethical and legal principles; research, strategic planning, writing, and measurement; social media campaigns; applications of social media. Offered summer semester, beginning summer 2022.

ENT 622 Machine Learning for Material Science in Clean Energy. Prerequisites: B.S. in MET or EET and ENT 621 or instructor permission. Broad guidelines and best practices regarding obtaining and treatment of data in materials science and device physics related directly to clean energy. Engineering, model training, validation, evaluation, and comparison. Includes interactive Jupyter notebooks with example Python code to demonstrate important concepts, workflows, and best practices in the field. Offered spring semester, beginning spring 2022.

FOR 410 Professional Practices in Forensic Science. Prerequisite: FOR 312. Examination of aspects of forensic lab practice required for a successful career as a forensic scientist. Introduction to the working environment of forensic laboratories, management’s expectations regarding professional and ethical behavior, time management, workflow processes, court testimony. Offered every other spring semester, beginning spring 2022.

Course Revisions:
BIO 316 General Microbiology. Prerequisites: BIO 111, BIO 211, BIO 213, CHE 111/113, and CHE 112/114. Microorganisms and techniques of observing their morphology, growth characteristics, and distribution. Microbial molecular biology and genetics. Relevance of microorganisms to everyday human activities. Offered spring semester, beginning spring 2022.

BUS 537 Anatomy of Banking. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Focus on modern banking practices and services; organizational structure, credit, Federal Reserve System, and selected areas of banking operations. Offered fall semester, beginning fall 2021.

CIS 410 Computer Operating Systems. Prerequisite: CIS 315, CIS 251, or CIS 361. Computer operating systems, their functions, components, scheduling and execution of jobs, task management, and interrupts. Comparison and exploration of contemporary operating systems. Offered every semester, beginning fall 2021.

NFS 550 Graduate Practicum in Dietetics. Prerequisites: NFS 448, clinical faculty permission, and graduate standing. Students plan, implement, and develop a dietetics practicum and evaluation tool of their performance in a selected area of dietetic practice such as acute care, long-term care, nutrition education, or community service programs. Requires ability to function under minimal supervision. Offered spring semester, beginning spring 2022.

PSY 383 Psychology of Human Sexual Behavior. Prerequisite: PSY 101 with a minimum grade of C. Psychosexual aspects of human sexuality. Historical views of human sexuality; sex research; physiology of sex; gender identity; sexuality throughout the lifespan; sexual orientations; social psychological attitudes toward sex; sexual difficulties; atypical sexual behavior; and love, intimacy, and communication in relationships. Offered every semester, beginning spring 2022.
