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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, April 25, 2019

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for final spring review:

New Programs:
B.A. Public Administration and Nonprofit Management, BA-PAD
Minor in Television and Film Arts

Program Revisions:
B.A. Television and Film Arts, BA-TFA
B.S. Special Studies

New Courses:
DSA 301 Data Science and Analytics with Spreadsheets, Databases, and Python. Prerequisite: MAT 241 or instructor permission. Introduction to tools and techniques needed to collect, clean, analyze, and present data that can be used in any academic discipline and its applications. Use of API and data scraping from the Internet. Visualization of data using appropriate software, spreadsheets, databases, and Python. Offered spring semester, beginning spring 2020.

DSA 601 Machine Learning Models in Python. Prerequisites: MAT 126, MAT 311, and CIS 512 or instructor permission. Applied introduction to building predictive, machine-learning models for real-world problems; learning Python computing environment, basic data analysis, management; data visualization and reporting using machine learning methods, including k-nearest neighbor, linear models, naďve Bayesian models, decision trees, random forests, and neural networks. Sample data sets from across industry professions. Offered occasionally, beginning spring 2020.

DSA 652 Applied Time Series Analysis in Banking Risk Management. Prerequisites: Undergraduate courses in MAT 126, MAT 311, and CIS 191 or instructor permission. Introduction to key concepts and applications of time series analysis for bank risk management data-driven decision making. Analysis, decomposition, segmentation, model selection and estimation, statistical and hypothesis testing, and forecasting and sensitivity testing. Use of actual data sets for applied analysis; revenue forecasting future scenarios; interactive classroom instruction in SAS programming environment. Offered occasionally, beginning fall 2019.

PAD 507 Neighborhood Planning and Community Development. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Exploration of the many forms, methods, and tools of neighborhood planning, community development, and engagement efforts aimed at revitalization in the context of historic and contemporary public and private sector policies and practices that have contributed to current challenges. Offered occasionally, beginning spring 2020.

PSM 520 Introduction to Applied Human Factors for Technology Users. Introduction to ergonomic principles and terms, mechanical and cognitive; review of basic human anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology of standing, sitting, walking, and breathing; fundamental principles of physics in loading the musculoskeletal system during typical tasks; long-term outcomes of repetitive patterns. Review of psychological and physiological data on impacts of technology use; exploration of changes in modern built environments. Supervised and unsupervised learning, practice, and measurement of basic ergonomics; data sources; practice of methodical self-care principles to compensate for constant cognitive stimuli and uneven body mechanics in the modern workplace. Offered occasionally, beginning spring 2020.

New Courses with Intellectual Foundations Designation:
PHI 112 Ethics for Business. Introduction to philosophical and business ethics. Fundamental concepts in business ethics and their application to contemporary ethical issues in business. Opportunities and problems of capitalism, globalization, responsibilities of corporations, rights and duties of employees, ethical leadership. Offered fall semester, beginning fall 2019.

REL 360 Orthodoxies and Heresies. Examination of the belief systems of the three major Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), including the core beliefs and theological challenges that evolved with these belief systems and the impact of these belief systems on global civilization. Offered every semester, beginning spring 2020.


Correction: June 28, 2019
The original version of this announcement, published April 25, 2019, incorrectly recorded the title of the revised B.S. program as Multidisciplinary Science. The correct title is B.S. Special Studies.
