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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, February 17, 2022

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review:

Program Revision:
B.S. Electrical Engineering Technology: Electronics, BS-SP ETE

Course Revision:
SWK 494 Field Practicum II


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for spring 2022 review:

New Courses:
FLM 510 Writing the Short Film. Prerequisite: Admission to the M.F.A. in television, film, and streaming media program. Students write three short screenplays in three different genres; work in development groups to fine-tune ideas, provide criticism, and write subsequent drafts. Offered fall semester, beginning fall 2023 (pending program approval).

FLM 520 Screenplay Analysis. Prerequisite: Admission to the M.F.A. in television, film, and streaming media program. Students analyze television series and feature film scripts, focusing on story structure, conflict, characters, dialogue, and theme. Offered fall semester, beginning fall 2023 (pending program approval).

FLM 530 Writing the Feature Screenplay I. Prerequisites: FLM 501, FLM 510, and FLM 520. Students write a pitch for an original feature film, character sketches, treatment, and the first act of a screenplay. Part one of a two-part sequence. Offered spring semester, beginning spring 2024 (pending program approval).

FLM 540 Writing the TV Spec Script. Prerequisites: FLM 501, FLM 510, and FLM 520. Students write two spec scripts for a series currently on a broadcast, cable, or streaming service. Offered spring semester, beginning spring 2024 (pending program approval).

FLM 550 The Business of Television, Film, and Streaming Media I. Prerequisites: FLM 501, FLM 510, and FLM 520. Examines the business of television, film, and streaming media. Navigates a rapidly changing entertainment industry environment. Part one of a two-part sequence. Offered spring semester, beginning spring 2024 (pending program approval).

PHI 336 Philosophy of Emotion. Critical analysis of the ontological status of emotions and the epistemological questions of how to study them. Focus on ontological questions about the nature of emotions as natural kinds or normative kinds, on the necessary and sufficient conditions of emotions, including somatic content, physiological changes, bodily expression, and cognitive content. Offered occasionally, beginning spring 2023.

Course Revision:
SOC 501 Contemporary Social Problems: Prerequisite: Graduate standing or instructor permission. Social construction and politics of social problems. Analysis of select contemporary social problems using sociological theories of inequality and social movements. Offered occasionally, beginning spring 2023.
