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Curricular Items

Posted: Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the Senate Curriculum Committee
The Intellectual Foundations designation for ENG 353 Native American Literature published in the March 31, 2011, issue of the Daily was incorrectly listed as Western Civilization. The correct IF designation is Non-Western Civilization.

Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review and approval:

New Program:
B.S. Mathematical Physics, BS-NS-MAT

New Courses:
GLC 600 Great Lakes Center Seminar
HIS 382 History of Christianity to 1500
HIS 383 History of Christianity from 1500 to Present

Course Revision and Intellectual Foundations Designation:
FOR 122 Scientific Criminal Evidence Analysis

Advanced to the Senate Curriculum Committee

The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the Senate Curriculum Committee for review and approval:

New Programs:
M.A. Great Lakes Environmental Science
M.S. Great Lakes Environmental Science

Program Revision:
B.S. Forensic Chemistry, BS-NS-FRC

New Courses:
CHE 360 Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry. Prerequisite: CHE 202. Descriptive inorganic chemistry of the main group and transition metal elements. Atomic structure and trends in the periodic table. Theories of chemical bonding. Introduction to crystal field, ligand field, and molecular orbital theories. Inorganic chemistry of important industrial processes, including metallurgy. Role of metal ions in biological systems.

CHE 462 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. Prerequisites or corequisites: CHE 202, CHE 204, CHE 305, CHE 360, and CHE 306. Physical inorganic and transition metal chemistry. Development of symmetry and its applications to the spectroscopy of inorganic systems. Crystal field, ligand field, and molecular orbital theories. Organometallic chemistry, homogenous and heterogeneous catalysis. Metal ions in bioinorganic systems, inorganic materials. Advanced methods and methods of characterization.

IDE 253 History of Interior Design and Architecture II. Prerequisite: IDE 205. Comprehensive survey of the major historical periods of architecture and interiors from the Industrial Revolution to the present.

PSC 307 International Conflict and Peaceful Resolution. Prerequisite: Junior or senior status, or instructor permission. Key theoretical traditions and research in international and intrastate conflict and conflict resolution through in-depth empirical analysis.

PSC 398 Political Science Teaching Program. Prerequisites: PSC 101, PSC 203, and PSC 204 with a minimum grade of B in each course; nine additional hours in political science; minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0; minimum GPA of 3.0 in political science. Examination of how political science courses are constructed and administered. Lecture development, exam construction, record keeping, and student engagement. Mentoring; preparing students for examinations and writing assignments. Students keep a journal of their activities and produce a written account of their experiences.

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