Curricular Items
Posted: Wednesday, March 16, 2011Curricular Items
From the Chair of the Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the Senate Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the Senate Curriculum Committee for review and approval:
New Program:
M.S. Mechanical Engineering Technology
Program Revisions:
M.S.Ed. Childhood and Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction, MSED-SE-CUR
M.S.Ed. Teaching Bilingual Exceptional Individuals: Childhood Level, MSED-SE-BXE
M.S.Ed. Teaching Bilingual Exceptional Individuals: Adolescent Level, MSED-SE-BXA
New Courses:
HIS 382 History of Christianity to 1500. Prerequisite: Junior or senior status. Christianity in the East and the West from its origins to the dawning of the modern age. Development of Christianity, the Apostolic Era, the Patristic Era; Byzantine and medieval Latin Christianity until the fall of Constantinople and the Protestant Reformation. Political, intellectual, and cultural significance of Christianity in world civilizations.
HIS 383 History of Christianity 1500–Present. Prerequisite: Junior or senior status. Developments in Christianity in the modern world from the collapse of the Byzantine Empire in the East and from the Protestant Reformation in the West through the twenty-first century. Challenges of Christianity with respect to the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, liberalism, nationalism, socialism, capitalism and the Industrial Revolution, secularism, consumerism, and globalization.
MUS 111 Accompanying for Pianists. Prerequisite: Music major. For piano students who wish to gain experience accompanying. Students are assigned a vocalist or instrumentalist and are required to attend their soloist’s weekly applied lesson as well as a coaching/master-class session with the piano instructor.
MUS 410 Recital Accompanist. Corequisites: MUS 110 and MUS 171–MUS 473 applied lessons. For students enrolled in the applied music lesson sequence and preparing for a recital. Students meet and rehearse privately with a staff piano accompanist. Emphasis on preparation for performance, solo and ensemble performance techniques, and musical interpretation.
MUS 601 Foundations of Music Education. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Historical, cultural, and philosophical foundations that have shaped and directed music education in the United States. Aesthetic, sociological, and psychological foundations of music education.
MUS 620 Advanced Topics in Music Theory. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Theoretical, aesthetic, and creative aspects of a selected group of musical works that span the fourteenth century to the present day. Students develop analytical tools and use creative thinking skills to analyze those works from a historically, sociologically, and technologically informed perspective.
MUS 630 Contemporary Issues in Music Education. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Historical and intellectual foundations of contemporary music education in the United States. Curricular trends and areas of concern for music education in the United States.
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