Curricular Items
Posted: Wednesday, March 30, 2011Curricular Items
From the Chair of the Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the Senate Curriculum Committee for review and approval:
New Courses:
FLE 503 Foundations of Foreign and Second Language Education. Prerequisite: Graduate status or instructor permission. Survey of the historical, psychological, and social foundations of foreign and second language instruction.
FLE 515 Exploring English as a Second Language Grammar. Prerequisite: Graduate status or instructor permission. Exploration of second language grammar instruction and English grammar points known to challenge nonnative speakers of English.
FLE 601 English as a Second Language Linguistics. The knowledge and skills required to analyze the linguistic structures of the English language and the appropriate means to teach these structures to limited English proficient (LEP) students. Focus on syntactic, morphological, phonological, semantic, and discourse features of the English language.
FLE 602 Assessment in Foreign and Second Language Education. Prerequisite: Graduate status or instructor permission. Exploration of assessment protocols employed in foreign language and ESL education.
FLE 615 Multicultural Education in the Foreign Language Classroom. The conceptualization of multicultural education and the means by which future teachers can ensure that diverse cultures are respected and taught in the foreign language classroom.
FLE 689 Research Methods in Foreign Language Education. Prerequisite: Graduate status or instructor permission. Interpreting research in the field of foreign language education as well as acquiring the skills needed to engage in practical and ethical research in secondary educational settings.
FRE 402 Pedagogical French. Instruction in classroom use of French and exploration of research in French pedagogy. Prepares candidates for the required American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) advanced-low level proficiency interview in French.
FRE 501 Structures of Modern French. Provides in-service and preservice teachers with the knowledge and skills required to analyze the linguistic structures of the French language and the appropriate means to teach these structures to foreign language students; focus on syntactic, morphological, phonological, semantic, and discourse features of French. Taught in French.
FRE 516 Literacy for French Teachers. Development of literacy in French and proficiency in literacy-centered language teaching practices. Taught in French.
FRE 600 History of the French Language. History of the origins of modern French; specific emphasis on French’s evolution from vulgar Latin, social and political influences on language change, and standardization movements in the seventeenth century.
FRE 650 Moliere and the Sun King. Prerequisite: Graduate status. Analysis of the life and works of Moliere, the milieu for which he wrote, the conventions of seventeenth-century French drama, the influence of his times on his work, his legacy. Taught in French.
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