Curricular Items
Posted: Wednesday, February 2, 2011Curricular Items
From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the Senate Curriculum Committee for review and approval:
Program Revision:
B.S. Applied Mathematics, BS-NS-AMT
Course Revisions:
MAT 121 Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint I. Prerequisite: Three years of high school mathematics or equivalent. First course of a two-semester sequence on the fundamental concepts of elementary mathematics: positional numeration systems, numbers and operations, proportional reasoning, and number theory. Emphasis on problem solving, understanding the concepts and procedures of elementary mathematics, mathematical modeling, the use of manipulatives, and effective communication of mathematical ideas.
MAT 122 Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint II. Prerequisite: MAT 121 or equivalent. Second course of a two-semester sequence on the fundamental concepts of elementary mathematics: two- and three-dimensional geometry, measurement, probability, statistics, linear and nonlinear functions. Emphasis on problem solving, understanding the concepts and procedures of elementary mathematics, mathematical modeling, the use of manipulatives, and effective communication of mathematical ideas.
Course Revision and Intellectual Foundations Designation:
GEG 307 Conservation and Environmental Management
Prerequisite: One natural science course. Globalization, recent technological advancement, and effects on resource conservation and environmental management in the face of increased pressure from society. Current resources, globalization of environmental issues and pollution, new technologies, and economic impacts.
Course Revision, Intellectual Foundations Designation, and Writing Across the Curriculum Designation:
AMT 495 Applied Mathematics Project (WAC)
Prerequisite: Senior status or instructor permission. Independent research project in applied mathematics under the direction of the instructor. Composition of a written report and oral presentations of findings.