Curricular Items
Posted: Wednesday, May 11, 2011Curricular Items
From the Chair of the Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review and approval:
New Courses:
MUS 324 The History of Psalmody
MUS 488 Internship
New Course and Intellectual Foundations Designation:
ANT 388W Folklore and Technology: American Roots Music (Writing Intensive)
Advanced to the Senate Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the Senate Curriculum Committee for review:
Program Revision:
B.A. Chemistry, BA-NS-CHE
New Course and Intellectual Foundations Designation:
ANT 344W Folklore and Fantasy in Popular Culture: From Middle-Earth to Hogwarts (Writing Intensive). Prerequisites: CWP 102 or equivalent and upper-division status. How J. R. R. Tolkien, the creator of modern fantasy writing, based his “mythology for England” on the work of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century folklorists. Influence of the work of myth scholars, primarily Joseph Campbell, on George Lucas and other filmmakers of the Star Wars trilogies and similar films and television series. Creation of folk groups (fandoms) based on fantasy novels and films, especially since the rise of the Internet.