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Curricular Items

Posted: Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review and approval:

New Course:
ECO 693 Seminar in Heterodox Economics

Course Revisions:
ENG 402 Advanced Creative Writing: Narrative
FTT 224 Pattern Drafting and Grading for Industry

Course Revision with Oral Communication Designation:
TED 450 Professional Semester (Student Teaching)


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee

The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for review and approval:

New Program:
B.S. Actuarial Sciences

Program Revision:
B.S. Fashion and Textile Technology, BS-SP FTT

New Courses:
ECO 493 Applied Actuarial Theory. Prerequisites: MAT 381 and ECO 424. Advanced study of actuarial studies and modeling with an emphasis on applied modeling and current actuarial processes. Major areas and theories of actuarial sciences as used by companies, government, and not-for-profits. Mathematical, statistical, economic, and finance models used by actuaries in the field. Analysis of different types of data to understand the financial risks facing different groups. The capstone course for majors in actuarial sciences.

FTT 461 Senior Seminar in Fashion Product Development. Prerequisites: FTT 310 and FTT 326 or instructor permission. Capstone experience for product development students, which requires the integration of design, production, and marketing of a fashion-related product. Class uses a team approach and emphasizes decision-making skills.

Course Revisions:
AED 610 Contemporary Art Theory. Prerequisite: Degree in a visual arts–related field. Theoretical perspectives in art criticism and aesthetics that contribute to contemporary art education practices.

FAR 102 Drawing II. Prerequisite: FAR 101. Drawing the human figure with an emphasis on proportion, anatomy, structure, and composition. Use of models. Lecture and studio experience.

FAR 300 Drawing III. Prerequisite: FAR 102. Continuation of FAR 102, with an emphasis on the human figure and its relationship to its context and pictorial structure. Exploration of varied drawing media. Use of models. Lecture and studio experience. Course may be repeated twice.

FAR 400 Drawing IV. Prerequisite: FAR 300. Continuation of FAR 300. Advanced figure drawing with media and content based on individual needs. Concentration on individually selected area of development in figure drawing. Use of models. Lecture and studio experience. Course may be repeated twice.

SPA 301 Introduction to Hispanic Cultures. Prerequisite: SPA 202 or equivalent. Intermediate- to high-level study of the Spanish language through exploration of Spanish-speaking cultures. Taught in Spanish.

SPA 306 Civilization and Cultures of Spain. Prerequisite: SPA 302. Cultural diversity of the Spanish people. Their achievements, customs, and way of life as affected by geographic, historical, political, and economic factors. Further development toward the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) advanced-mid level language proficiency in Spanish. Taught in Spanish.

SPA 307 Spanish Authors Pre-1800. Prerequisite: SPA 302. Overview of representative prose, poetry, and theatrical works by authors from Spain from the eleventh through the eighteenth centuries, studied in historical and broad artistic context. Further development toward the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) advanced-mid level language proficiency in Spanish. Taught in Spanish.

SPA 308 Spanish Authors 1800–Present. Prerequisite: SPA 302. Overview of representative prose, poetry, and theatrical works by authors from Spain the nineteenth century to the present, studied in historical and broad artistic context. Further development toward the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) advanced-mid level language proficiency in Spanish. Taught in Spanish.

SPA 309 Culture and Civilization of Latin America. Prerequisite: SPA 302. Cultural diversity of the Latin American people, with emphasis on their achievements, customs, and ways of life as affected by geographic, historical, political, and economic factors. Further development toward the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) advanced-mid level language proficiency in Spanish. Taught in Spanish.
