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Curricular Items

Posted: Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and will be forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for fall 2014 review:

New Courses:
COM 621 Theories of Public Relations. Prerequisite: Admission to the public relations master’s degree program, the public relations management track of the multidisciplinary studies master’s degree program, or graduate status. Corequisite: COM 610. Theoretical body of knowledge in public relations and its application to public relations practice; evolution of public relations; diversity, professional standards, and ethics in public relations.

COM 631 Advanced Public Relations Writing. Prerequisites: COM 610 and COM 621. Advanced practice in writing for various public relations settings for students with prior public relations writing experience or undergraduate public relations writing coursework; focus on writing for news media and organizational media, including social media, with emphasis on mastery of grammar and punctuation rules.

COM 635 Internship in Public Relations. Prerequisites: COM 610, COM 620, and COM 630. Supervised field experience in a professional setting for students who have completed extensive academic preparation in the discipline. Fifty hours of fieldwork per credit.

COM 660 Global Public Relations. Prerequisites: COM 610 and graduate status. Dimensions of public relations practice in international settings; overview of factors that influence communication across cultures and borders and an examination of the effect those factors have on public relations in specific regions of the world.

IDE 104 Elements and Principles of Interior Design. Corequisites: IDE 101 and IDE 103. Introduction to the elements and principles of space and form as the fundamental vocabulary of interior design.

Course Revisions:
COM 610 Public Relations Principles and Practices. Prerequisite: Admission to the public relations master’s degree program, the public relations management track of the multidisciplinary studies master’s degree program, or graduate status. Organizational principles and strategic communication planning practices underscoring effective management of public relations; history and definition of public relations; the role of ethics, corporate social responsibility, and legal issues in public relations.

COM 641 Research Methods in Public RelationsPrerequisites: COM 610 and COM 621. Overview of applied research methodologies for public relations campaigns, including both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Attention to computer literature searches, research design, questionnaire construction, sampling, measurement techniques, and data analysis.

COM 650 Public Relations Management. Prerequisites: COM 631 and COM 641. Management of public relations in various specialized situations using a case study approach, culminating in the creation of a team communication campaign plan for an actual public relations client.

IDE 204 Materials, Specifications, and Construction Documentation. Prerequisites IDE 103 and IDE 151. The study of interior finishes, materials, and various interior components; professional specification, code restrictions, and environmental concerns of materials; understanding and creation of construction documentation of interior spaces.

IDE 302 Computer Applications for Interior Design I. Corequisites: IDE 301 and IDE 303. Introductory- through intermediate-level 2-D and 3-D instruction in computer-aided architectural drafting software. Production and efficiency implications of computer-aided drafting for interior design. Creating technical drawings as per drafting standards.

IDE 352 Computer Applications for Interior Design II. Prerequisite: IDE 302. Corequisites: IDE 351 and IDE 353. Advanced topics of instruction in computer-aided architectural drafting. Focus on creation and manipulation of the three-dimensional virtual built environment, including lighting and rendering techniques to create presentation-level graphics. Introduction to building information systems (BIM) software.
