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Curricular Items

Posted: Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the Interim President
The following have been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the interim president for review and approval:

Program Revision:
Minor in Hospitality Administration (1437)

New Courses:
ENT 482 Smart Grid from Systems Perspective
ENT 491 Operations and Management of Modern Grid

New Course and Intellectual Foundations Designation:
PLN 215 Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for fall 2014 review:

New Courses:
BIO 330 Science Writing. Prerequisite: CWP 102. Science readings, student peer review, and active writing to address fundamental writing skills, scientific theory, and logic as pathways toward constructing an effective scientific paper.

PLN 410 Sustainable Transportation Planning. Prerequisite: PLN 310. Sustainability and transportation. Evolution of transportation planning goals with respect to the “three E's” of sustainability (equity, ecology, and economy). Policies and solutions at local, state, and national levels. Methods for impact assessment.

New Course and Intellectual Foundations Designation:
ANT 383 Ethnography of Turkey. Prerequisite: Upper-division status. The transition to the Republic through the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the nationalist movement that fought the War of Independence. Modernization, secularization, and Westernization policies and the creation of secular and laicist state. Mass rural-urban migration, struggles over Islamist movements, and nationalism through ethnographies.

Course Revision and Intellectual Foundations Designation:
ANT 350 Global Marriage Practices. Prerequisite: Upper-division status. Cross-cultural and comparative marriage practices through a comparative examination of kinship, gender, and economy in different places. Interdisciplinary materials in anthropology, sociology, history, legal studies, women and gender studies, and popular culture.
