Curricular Items
Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2014Curricular Items
From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Any curricular items that were recently submitted to the College Senate Office have been logged. Please keep in mind that many items are up for review, and there is no timeline for when your item will be reviewed. Items submitted later in the spring semester will not be guaranteed review before the end of the spring semester. The CSCC does not meet over the summer. Please follow up with APRs (accepted pending revisions) that the CSCC has requested in order to expedite your courses and programs to the final approval level.
Advanced to the Interim President
The following has been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the interim president for review and approval:
Course Revision:
PSY 367 Organizational Behavior
Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for review:
New Program:
M.S. Urban Education
Program Revision:
M.S. Professional Applied and Computational Mathematics, MS-NS
New Course:
GEO 201 Geosciences. First of a two-course sequence introducing the physical processes that formed Earth and shaped our planet through time. Topics include Earth materials; plate tectonics; climate, ocean, and atmosphere; and deep time. Student experiences through skill-building activities and experiments. Field trips required.
Course Revisions:
PLN 315 Principles of Urban and Regional Planning. Prerequisite: PLN 215. Techniques to determine appropriate site design, use of land, and physical development patterns within community planning efforts. Methods to inventory existing land uses, determine locations for future land uses, and examine tools used in the evaluation of sites for development.
PLN 340 Land Use Planning and Zoning. Prerequisite: PLN 215. Composition and administration of site plan local laws, subdivision regulations, and zoning ordinances and their adoption. Practical and legal relationship between current planning and long-term planning. New York State legislation, including relevant environmental regulations.
PLN 401 Comprehensive Planning Strategies. Prerequisite: PLN 215. The role of comprehensive planning as it influences future patterns of municipal land use. Techniques for identifying issues and reaching consensus on goals for future development. Detailed examination of the process of preparing and adopting a master plan and stakeholder participation, including inter-municipal collaboration.