Curricular Items
Posted: Thursday, November 12, 2015Curricular Items
From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following has been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review and approval:
New Course:
EDT 608 Distance Education Methods and Tools
Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for fall review:
Program Revision:
M.P.A. in Public and Nonprofit Management, MPA-NS
New Courses:
PAD 503 Introduction to Writing for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Focus on bringing students up to the writing standards necessary in the fields of public and nonprofit organizations. Introduction to the field and the processes used for planning, writing, editing, revising, and analyzing professional papers, reports, and digital documents in order to refresh and enhance students’ professional development.
PAD 604 Nonprofit Management and Governance. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Examination of nonprofit (third-sector) organizations and their role in society; management issues including strategic leadership, governance, organizational attributes, accountability, and ethics. Primary emphasis on U.S. organizations, with consideration of this sector’s increasingly global nature.
PAD 608 Intergovernmental Relations. Prerequisite: PAD 500. The federal system of government, intergovernmental relations, and intergovernmental management. The constitutional basis for American federalism, the evolution of American federal relations, policy making in the American system, fiscal federalism, role of local and state governments, cooperation and conflict in managing the delivery of public services, and contemporary challenges.
PAD 646 Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Theory and practice of strategic planning and management for the public and nonprofit sectors; conceptual framework for developing, managing, and evaluating the strategic planning process; development of strategic management skills supporting decision making and goal achievement.
PAD 647 The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. History of the voluntary, philanthropic, and nonprofit sectors and the role they play in American and international society; history, structure, and theoretical (economic, political, philosophical, and social) basis for nonprofit and voluntary sectors; interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives of this evolving and complex sector.
PAD 700 Migrations Policy. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and admission to the M.P.A. program. Domestic and international challenges of migration; historical context; dilemmas faced by governments, IGOs, and INGOs in addressing population movement; and regional challenges. Special emphasis on U.S. migration policy.
PAD 704 Human Rights and Humanitarian Policy. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and admission to the M.P.A. program. International human rights and humanitarian assistance covering legal aspects and major practical and policy considerations.