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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, September 14, 2017

Curricular Items

Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for fall 2017 review:

Course Revisions:
CNS 610 Polymers in Art and Conservation. Prerequisite: Formal acceptance to the Art Conservation Department. Corequisite: CNS 611. The chemistry and physics of polymers used to create and treat works of art. Nomenclature, reactivity, structure-property relationships, solubility, surfactants, emulsions, natural and synthetic coatings and adhesives, degradation, mechanical properties, thermal properties, polymer additives, and analytical methods of identification and characterization. Offered annually, fall semester.

CNS 611 Polymers in Art and Conservation Lab. Prerequisite: Formal acceptance to the Art Conservation Department. Corequisite: CNS 610. The chemistry and physics of polymers used to create and treat works of art. Expands on lectures in CNS 610 and provides students with hands-on experience with polymer synthesis, characterization, polymer stability, and compatibility and properties in blends. Offered annually, fall semester.

CNS 614 Inorganic Materials in Art and Conservation. Prerequisite: CNS 612 and CNS 613. Corequisite: CNS 615. Specialized understanding of inorganic materials with an emphasis on alternative scientific techniques used for their investigation (i.e., scanning electron microscopy, x-ray fluorescence analysis, x-ray diffraction). Prepares students to use the equipment at a basic level or to communicate effectively with professional scientists who run the equipment. Provides practice laboratory applications related to treatment and analysis of works of art. Focus on the use of polarized light microscopy and microchemical testing of the material found in works of art and cultural artifacts. Offered annually, fall semester. 

CNS 615 Inorganic Materials in Art and Conservation Lab. Prerequisites: CNS 612 and CNS 613. Corequisite: CNS 614. Laboratory component that expands on the lectures of CNS 614 to provide practical applications related to treatment and analysis of works of art. Focus on the use of polarized light microscopy and microchemical testing of the material found in works of art and cultural artifacts. Offered annually, fall semester.

CNS 617 Technical Aspects of Preventive Conservation Lab. Prerequisite: CNS 615. Corequisite: CNS 616. Laboratory component of practical and scientific principles behind preventive conservation. Hands-on experiences in materials testing, environmental monitoring, accelerated light ageing, pest management and identification, agents of biodeterioration, and emergency management. Offered annually, spring semester.

CNS 620 Technology and Conservation of Paintings. Prerequisite: Formal acceptance to the Art Conservation Department. Corequisite: CNS 621. Historical survey of processes and materials employed by artists in the creation of wall and easel paintings from the Paleolithic to the present and the implications for their conservation. Painting types include rock art, Egyptian and Etruscan tomb painting, medieval tempera, Italian Renaissance fresco, oil on panel and canvas, and modern media. Offered annually, fall semester. 

CNS 621 Technology and Conservation of Paintings Lab. Formal acceptance to the Art Conservation Department. Corequisite: CNS 620. Re-creation of historical paintings using traditional materials and techniques to the greatest extent possible: fourteenth-century Sienese egg tempera on panel and seventeenth-century Flemish or Spanish painting on canvas. Written technical examination of an oil painting of value on loan through the department’s clinic program. Offered annually, fall semester. 

CNS 622 Technology and Conservation of Paintings II. Prerequisites: CNS 620 and CNS 621. Corequisite: CNS 623. Theory and practice of conserving easel paintings. Topics include treatment proposal design, aqueous- and solvent-based cleaning systems, resins and solvents used for consolidation, mechanics and dynamics of canvas paintings and support systems, humidification and lining treatments, varnishes and varnishing techniques, and color-matching theory and its application to inpainting. Offered annually, spring semester. 

CNS 623 Technology and Conservation of Paintings II Lab. Prerequisites: CNS 620 and CNS 621. Corequisite: CNS 622. Hands-on conservation of easel paintings. Includes treatment proposal ethics and design, aqueous- and solvent-based cleaning systems, resins and solvents used for consolidation, mechanics and dynamics of canvas paintings and support systems, humidification and lining treatments, varnishes and varnishing techniques, and color-matching theory and its application to inpainting. Offered annually, spring semester.
