Curricular Items
Posted: Thursday, April 27, 2017Curricular Items
Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review:
New Program:
Undergraduate Certificate in Health Promotion Sciences, CERT-HPS HND
New Courses:
EDU 322 Literacy Instruction in the Elementary School
PAD 685 Performance-Based Management in the Public Sector
SSE/SST 500 Introduction to Social Studies Education
SSE/SST 603 Middle School Social Studies Education
Course Revisions:
EDU 211 Introduction to Literacy
ENT 314 Applied Solid Modeling
Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and will be forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for fall 2017 review:
New Courses:
CIS 494 Research in Computer Information Systems. Prerequisites: CIS major, upper-division standing, and instructor permission. Introduction to various aspects of academic and applied research in the areas of information technologies, computer information systems, and related fields. Students conduct in-depth research on a topic of choice with instructor permission. Possible topics include programming methodology and applications, algorithms, advanced databases and distributed systems, networking, security, data analysis, and related areas. Offered fall semester.
GES 323 Third-Year Research and Field Methods Experience. Prerequisite: GES 203 or instructor permission. Second of a three-course sequence focused on basic to intermediate data analysis methods in the geosciences and the application of these methods to explore relevant geology problems. Critical thinking about how geologic research contributes to understanding Earth history and global challenges related to resources and hazards. Offered fall semester.
GES 428 Applied Geological Hazards. Prerequisites: GES 201, GES 202, and GEG 325. Recommended: GEG 425. Advanced applications used to solve problems in geological hazards research. Models and geosciences software applications to run simulations of models that are currently used in industry and government. Emphasis on hazard vulnerability assessment. Application of advanced-level research methodologies. Offered fall semester.
GES 472 Geology Senior Seminar. Prerequisites: Senior standing, geology or earth sciences major, or instructor permission. Detailed presentation of a selected topic in geological sciences. Capstone course integrating geological content covered in the sequence of courses taken in the major. High level survey of a specific topic reflecting current and emerging themes in the geosciences; advanced data analysis and critical review of scientific literature. Interconnectedness of and feedbacks between geoscience processes. Connections between the geosciences and other disciplines. Offered spring semester, beginning spring 2018.