Curricular Items
Posted: Thursday, March 13, 2008Curricular Items
The March 6, 2008, issue of the Bulletin listed the wrong title for course revision EDU 651. The correct title isEDU 651: Improving Mathematics in the Elementary School.
Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review and approval:
New Courses:
BIO 625 Ichthyology
BIO 629 Fisheries Management
BIO 630 Stream Ecology
SOC 484 Practicum in Teaching Sociology
Course Revision:
PSC 201 Political Statistics (formerly PSC 301)
Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the Senate Curriculum Committee for review and approval:
New Courses:
ENT 102 Introduction to Equation-Solving Software. Use of current industry-standard computer software programs that allow users to enter and manipulate mathematical equations; perform calculations; and analyze, plot, and document data. These engineering software programs are invaluable tools to technology majors, who combine engineering principles with mathematics to describe physical phenomena.
ENT 202 Introduction to Engineering Economics and Project Management. Prepares students to estimate, plan, and manage projects. Provides exposure to techniques to better prepare students for problems seen in industry.
ENT 314 Solid Modeling. Prerequisites: TEC 101, ENT 301. Three-dimensional (3-D) parts and assembly creation; defining high-level features like cuts and holes in addition to low-level geometry; using parametric modeling; 3-D solid modeling; introduction to finite element concepts for stress and heat testing.
Course Revisions:
ENG 313 Milton. A study of Milton’s oeuvre with emphasis on Paradise Lost.
ENG 314 Chaucer. A selection of Chaucer’s works, including some Canterbury Tales.
ENG 315 Shakespeare I. Shakespeare’s work to 1600: the sonnets, early tragedies, histories, and comedies.
ENG 316 Shakespeare II. Shakespeare’s works after 1600: the problem plays, major tragedies, and romances.
Course Revisions and Intellectual Foundations Designations:
THA 317 Theater History: Ancient to Baroque.Prerequisites: THA 106 or instructor permission. Origins and development of physical theater and theater literature from the ancient period to the baroque period; its function in society and its historical context in both Western and global civilizations. Students examine how theater as an art form is a reflection of or reaction to the socioeconomic, scientific, political, philosophical, and other artistic forms of its surroundings. Students attend live performances.
THA 318 Theater History: Baroque to Modern.Prerequisites: THA 106 or instructor permission. The origins and development of physical theater and theater literature from the baroque period to contemporary theater; its function in society and its historical context in both Western and global civilizations. Students read plays and examine how theater as an art form is a reflection of or reaction to the socioeconomic, scientific, political, philosophical, and other artistic forms of its surroundings. Students attend live performances.