Curricular Items
Posted: Thursday, February 26, 2009Curricular Items
From the Chair of the Senate Curriculum Committee
SCI 505 and SCI 635, both recorded as Course Revisions in the February 19, 2009, issue of the Bulletin,should have been identified as New Courses.
Advanced to the Senate Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the Senate Curriculum Committee for review and approval:
Program Revisions:
B.A. in Art (0105)
B.F.A. in Painting (0155)
B.F.A. in Photography (0160)
B.F.A. in Printmaking (0165)
B.F.A. in Sculpture (0170)
M.A. English (5610)
New Courses:
CHE 570 Biochemical Principles I. Prerequisites: CHE 202; BIO 211 recommended; not open to students who have taken CHE 470 or equivalent. Molecular structure and function of the four major classes of biomolecules: proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates. Enzyme kinetics, mechanism, and regulation. Molecular nature of DNA replication; introduction to recombinant DNA technology.
FAR 104 Themes and Issues in the Contemporary Arts. Introduction to important figures, movements, and concepts in recent art, architecture, and design. Develops students’ abilities to visually analyze works of art and to think critically about the role of art and the artist/designer in society. To be taken by all visual arts majors during their first year attending Buffalo State College.
HIS 418 Food and Global History. Prerequisite: Upper-division status. How food has influenced human society from hunter-gatherer societies to the present. Food rituals, famines, food and spice trade, national identity. How cultures from Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas understood their relationship to food.
New Courses and Intellectual Foundations Designations:
ANT 220 Case Studies in Physical Anthropology.Introduction to physical anthropology through detailed examination of exemplary case studies covering a broad range of topics in physical anthropology. The process of inquiry in physical anthropology, including initial conception of the research question, methodology, results, and conclusions. Ethics of physical anthropology research.
PHI 351 Ethics Bowl. Prerequisite: One PHI course or instructor permission. Preparation for a competition in which students are judged on their ability to deploy intricate ethical reasoning in addressing case studies from practical and professional ethics. Students develop well-informed opinions about ethically complex, everyday scenarios, orally present these opinions and supporting arguments, and provide critical oral responses to the opinions and arguments of other students and judges. Some students compete in the regional and/or national Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl, others in the Buffalo State Ethics Bowl.
ANT 400 Ancient Materials. Prerequisite: ANT 329 or instructor permission. The study of technology and production in its broadest sense. Raw materials used to create material culture as defined archaeologically, such as stone, bone, wood, clay, and metal. Datasets from ethnographic and archaeological films and reports; hands-on experimental archaeology projects. How archaeologists use material culture as evidence for past human behavior, e.g., measurement of lithic flakes, creating typologies of ceramic sherds.
HIS 465 Imperialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Prerequisites: Upper-division status or instructor permission. Imperialism in Asia and Africa through decolonization. Political and economic motives for acquiring colonies. Historiography of imperialism. Colonial administration and economic exploitation. Role of missionaries. Colonial culture and society. Women and imperialism. Collaboration, complicity, and resistance among indigenous peoples. Colonial nationalism and decolonization.
Course Revision:
ENG 337 Modern European Literature. Prerequisite: ENG 190 or instructor permission. Selected themes, ideas, and movements of European literature from the Renaissance to postmodernity.
Correction: March 5, 2009
The original version of this announcement, published February 26, incorrectly recorded ANT 220 and ANT 400 as New Courses only.