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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, April 23, 2020

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review:

Program Revisions:
B.A. Media Production, BA-AH MDP
B.A. Philosophy, BA-AH PHI


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for final spring 2020 review:

New Courses:
CRS 705 Advanced Instructional Design in Creativity. Prerequisites: CRS 560, CRS 625, and CRS 670. Experience in advanced design of creativity and instruction in the higher education classroom. Students demonstrate mastery of creativity content and preparation for teaching experiences. Includes structured participation in undergraduate courses in creativity and creative leadership. Offered fall semester, beginning fall 2020.

CRS 706 Advanced Instructional Delivery in Creativity. Prerequisite: CRS 705. Supervised teaching experience in an introductory course on creativity studies. Students demonstrate mastery of creativity content through instructional delivery. Includes assessment of student learning outcomes and learner performance, monitoring and adjustment of instructional delivery based on student needs. Offered spring semester, beginning spring 2021.

CRS 725 Contemporary Global Perspectives in Creativity Theory, Practice, and Research. Prerequisites: CRS 560 and CRS 625. Examination of opportunities and issues related to the advancement of creativity around the globe; individual, societal, and global diversity; historical roots and current issues related to the development and practice of creativity and innovation in various cultures. Offered every semester, beginning fall 2020.

CRS 735 Advanced Applications of Creative Leadership. Prerequisites: CRS 619 and CRS 635. Examination of real-life practices of creative leadership. Exploration of the process of change leadership with examples of change initiatives. Integration of real-life experiences and theories and concepts of creative leadership. Review of the principles of creative thinking and change management models. Culminating course in the doctoral program. Offered spring semester, beginning spring 2021.

PAD 515 NYS Government and Budget (cross-listed with ECO 515). Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Detailed study of New York State government and politics with combined study of the budget process. Topics include fiscal federalism, economic climate, health-care policy, state education aid, NYS budget components, the budget process, and NYS government institutions, political parties, and interests. Includes a simulation of the annual NYS budget process centering on a contemporary policy. Students simulate NYS policymakers in the executive and legislative branches and lobbyists. Offered spring semester, beginning spring 2021.
