Curricular Items
Posted: Thursday, February 25, 2010Curricular Actions
From the Interim President
I have approved the following curricular items, which have been recommended by the appropriate dean, the College Senate, and the interim provost:
New Program:
Minor in Environment and Society
Program Revision:
B.S. Forensic Chemistry, BS-NS-FRC
New Courses:
CHE 406 Analytical Toxicology
FOR 416 Optical Microscopy
GEG 523 Biogeography
MAT 300 Techniques of Proof
THA 218 Script Analysis I: Play Reading
Course Revision:
BIO 301 Cell Physiology
Course Revisions and Writing Across the Curriculum Designations:
FLE 401 Teaching Foreign Language in Middle and High School
FOR 414 Forensic Chemistry Laboratory