Curricular Items
Posted: Thursday, June 25, 2020Curricular Actions
From the President
I have approved the following curricular items, which have been recommended by the appropriate dean, the College Senate, and the provost:
New Courses:
EXE 645 Effective Practices for Supporting Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
EXE 646 Culture, Diversity, Disability, and Education
EXE 681 Clinical Records and Ethical Practices for Behavioral Analysis
EXE 683 Personnel Supervision and Management
EXE 685 Supervised Practicum in ABA I: Measurement and Interpretation
EXE 686 Supervised Practicum in ABA II: Analysis of Behavior Change
EXE 687 Supervised Practicum in ABA III: Changing Behavior
EXE 688 Supervised Practicum in ABA IV: Developing New Behaviors
EXE 689 Supervised Practicum in ABA V: Synthesis of Applied Behavioral Analysis Techniques
Course Revisions:
EXE 544 Behavioral Interventions for Students with Challenging Behaviors
EXE 644 Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis
From the Associate Provost
The following has been approved by SUNY System Administration and the New York State Education Department:
New Program:
B.S. Biology (from existing B.A. Biology)
The following have been approved by SUNY System Administration and forwarded to the New York State Education Department for review:
New Program:
M.S. Business Management
Program Revision:
B.A. Television and Film Arts