Curricular Items
Posted: Thursday, January 14, 2016Curricular Actions
From the President
I have approved the following curricular items, which have been recommended by the appropriate dean, the College Senate, and the provost:
New Courses:
EXE 522 Assessment and Instruction of Behavior
PAD 604 Nonprofit Management and Governance
PAD 608 Intergovernmental Relations
PAD 646 Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations
PAD 647 The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector
PAD 700 Migration Policy
PAD 704 Human Rights and Humanitarian Policy
From the Associate Vice President for Assessment and Curriculum
The following have been approved by SUNY System Administration and the State Education Department:
New Program:
C.A.S. TESOL Pre-K–12, All Grades
Program Revisions:
B.F.A. Art Education (formerly B.S. Art Education)
B.S. Urban and Regional Planning (formerly B.S. Urban and Regional Analysis and Planning)