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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, April 13, 2017

Curricular Actions

From the President
Advanced to SUNY/NYSED
I have approved the following curricular item, which has been recommended by the appropriate dean, the College Senate, and the provost. This program will now advance to SUNY System Administration and the New York State Education Department for final review:

Program Revision:
M.S.Ed. New Language Education (7–12; 1–6 Extension), MSED-AH NLE (formerly M.S.Ed. Foreign Language Education [7–12; 1–6 Extension])


I have approved the following curricular items, which have been recommended by the appropriate dean, the College Senate, and the provost: 

Program Revisions:
B.A. French, BA-AH FRE
Postbaccalaureate Teacher Certification Mathematics Education (7–12), UG-PBC NS MTS

New Courses:
EXE 321 Remediating and Adapting Literacy Instruction for Students with and at Risk for Disabilities
EXE 323 Field Placement in Literacy Methods for Children with and without Disabilities

Course Revision:
EXE 362 Behavior and Classroom Management
