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Today's Message

Posted: Monday, May 1, 2023

Cultural Fiesta: Today

The International Student Organization and the Maurene Callahan Bouras Center for Global Engagement invite the campus to join us for the 39th Cultural Fiesta this evening, May 1, at 6:00 p.m. in the first floor lobby of Upton Hall.

The reception will feature light refreshments celebrating a variety of ethnic foods and instrumental music by Mark Warford and friends. A note of thanks to the Art and Design Department for allowing the student gallery to remain open, highlighting student designs.

Beginning at 7:00 p.m., guests will enter Warren Enters Theatre to enjoy featured performances from current students highlighting instrumental, fashion, art, and dance from around the world.

Please consider joining us as we celebrate our campus diversity and talents. 

We express our thanks to the following departments for supporting this event: the Faculty-Student Association, United Students Government, Events Management, the Theater Department, and the Art and Design Department. We also thank our performers as they share their talents with the campus.

Submitted by: Tricia L. Herritt