Today's Message
Posted: Tuesday, March 14, 2017Conflict Resolution around the World: Global to Local - March 15
Please join us for the panel discussion "Conflict Resolution around the World: Global to Local" on Wednesday, March 15, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. in the Ethel Lockman Newman Lecture Hall (Bulger Communication Center North).
The program will provide a forum in which diverse community members discuss inter- and intra-racial and ethnic conflicts and resolutions with Buffalo State College faculties, professionals, and students. Panelists will share their insights and experiences with conflicts and resolutions concerning ethnic, gender, and religious issuesfrom global to local.
Chipamong Chowdhury, monastic social activist and dharma teacher
Gamileh Jamil, executive director of ACCESS WNY
Kyi Tha Tun, Fulbright scholarship recipient at the University of Pittsburgh
Leonce Byimana, program director for the WNY Center for Survivors of Torture at Jewish Family Service of Buffalo and Erie County
Moderated by Sam Magavern, co-director of the Partnership for the Public Good.
This event is open to the public. Please contact Win Min Thant, education coordinator with the Community Academic Center, 878-3289 with questions.