Posted: Thursday, April 8, 2010College Senate Elections
From the Chair of the College Senate
Once again, the College Senate Bylaws and Elections Committee will make use of an electronic voting system supplemented by paper ballots to elect one University Faculty senator, one alternate faculty senator, two at-large senators to serve three-year terms on the College Senate (which meets 10 times per year), and one at-large senator to serve a one-year term (meeting 10 times for the year).
The University Faculty senator is a senator within both the College Senate at Buffalo State and the SUNY University Faculty Senate (which meets three times per year on SUNY campuses). The alternate attends the SUNY University Faculty Senate meetings only when one of the two University Faculty senators is absent.
Our primary goal is to encourage your participation and enthusiasm and share information about the candidates while trying to be environmentally friendly. Please read this letter to become reacquainted with the process.
Nominations close today, Thursday, April 8, at 5:00 p.m.You may nominate yourself or another faculty or professional staff member by contacting Vince Masci, College Senate secretary, Nominees will be e-mailed instructions on how to post statements explaining why they would like to serve and listing their past service to the college. Digital photos may also be uploaded. If you do not have one, Bruce Fox, the campus photographer, will take one for you.
Technical assistance can be provided by Slade Gellin, professor of technology and senate parliamentarian.Please contact him at your earliest convenience, as the election goes online on Monday, April 12.
The actual voting will occur between Monday, April 12,and Friday, April 16.
If you plan to vote electronically:
» The election e-booth will be located on the Buffalo State College Senate home page. Log in using your e-mail username and password. All campus voters will receive an e-mail containing a link. You must use Internet Explorer. Call the HELP desk (878-4357) before April 16 with any technical questions concerning your computer or Web browser.
» You must be identified by your unit (e.g., one of the four schools, the library, the Professional Staff Caucus, support staff, administrative group) as eligible to vote (as per Article II of the College Senate Bylaws). The College Senate is doing everything possible to verify that all voters identified as “eligible” are included in this Senate election.
» If you received the mailing and cannot log in to the e-voting booth, it means that (according to information received from your unit) you are not on an approved voting list. If this is in error, please call the Senate Office at 878-5139. If someone is eligible to vote but did not receive this notice, he or she should contact the Senate Office to have the situation corrected.
If you plan to vote by paper ballot:
You must request a ballot. Ballots will be sent only to voters who request them. Please do one of the following during the election period:
» Call the Senate Office at 878-5139 and request a paper ballot. Provide your name and phone number. If you leave your message on the answering machine, a follow-up call will be made to you prior to sending out ballots to make sure we correctly record your name
» Send an e-mail to the College Senate secretary, Vince Masci, at
Paper ballots, to be distributed during the second week of April, will contain the same information about each candidate as the electronic site (with the exception of photographs or information from candidates’ Web sites, should any of the candidates have Web sites) and must be returned to the Senate Office by the close of business on April 16 in order to be counted.
Thank you for your participation in this year’s election! Please share any feedback, questions, or concerns withBill Raffel, chair of the Senate Bylaws and Elections Committee, 878-3020.