From The CIO And Vice President For Enrollment, Marketing, And Communications
Posted: Tuesday, February 26, 2019Blackboard Ally Go-Live Date April 17
As Buffalo State continues to improve access to learning and content for students, I am happy to announce that Blackboard Ally will go live across all Buffalo State Blackboard Learn course sites on Wednesday, April 17. This means that Ally will be available in spring 2019 Blackboard course sites after April 17 and into the future.
The Blackboard Ally tool, embedded in Blackboard Learn, is designed to make digital course content more accessible to all students. Alternative formats include OCRed PDF, HTML, ePub (for e-book devices and apps), electronic braille, audio (MP3), and machine translation. The Ally tool also assists faculty members in identifying and correcting accessibility issues within their own course content.
A detailed message has been sent to all deans, chairs, and directors of student support services. Please review the IT Knowledge Base article about Blackboard Ally, and sign up for training via the Workshop Registration System. A summary of feedback from the Ally pilot conducted on campus is available online.
Watch how students can choose alternative content delivery in this generic Blackboard Ally video. Messaging to students begins after April 17.
Also appeared:
Wednesday, February 27, 2019