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From the Chief Diversity Officer

Posted: Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Title IX at Buffalo State

This memo serves as an annual notice to the Buffalo State community to provide information about Title IX.

Title IX protects students, faculty, and staff from gender discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, bullying (based on gender), cyberbullying (based on gender), and retaliation (from participation in a Title IX investigation).

The Title IX coordinator for Buffalo State is Karen A. Clinton Jones, chief diversity officer. She can be reached at 878-6210,, or Cleveland Hall 415.

The Title IX investigator for Buffalo State is William R. Sabio. He can be reached at 878-3051,, or Campbell Student Union 311.

Reporting Guidance

  • If a student wishes to file a report against an employee, contact Dr. Clinton Jones, chief diversity officer,, 878-6210.
  • If a student wishes to file a report against another student, contact Mr. Sabio, Title IX investigator,, 878-3051.
  • If an employee wishes to file a report against another employee or a student, contact Dr. Clinton Jones, chief diversity officer,, 878-6210.
  • When the concern involves a college employee, a victim may report the incident to Human Resource Management, where disciplinary proceedings will be conducted in accordance with applicable collective bargaining agreements.
  • If a student wishes to discuss his or her situation confidentially with a counselor, contact the Counseling Center, Weigel Health Center 219 or 878-4436.
  • If a student or employee wishes to file criminal charges, contact University Police at 878-6333 (6333 from a campus landline phone).

 Additional Guidance

  • For immediate concerns for your physical safety, contact University Police at 878-6333 (6333 from a campus landline phone).
  • For medical attention, students go to the Weigel Health Center or call University Police at 878-6333 (6333 from a campus landline phone).

The following off-campus services are also available:

The Student Bill of Rights (PDF, 124 KB) identifies the responsibilities of Buffalo State with regard to Title IX and the rights of students involved in a Title IX incident or investigation.

If you have reported an alleged sexual misconduct or otherwise believe you have been subjected to sexual misconduct on campus, you are invited to provide to the Title IX coordinator any recommendations about how to improve the effectiveness of the campus’s implementation of its policies and procedures.

Information regarding Title IX, the Sexual Violence Response Policy, Student Bill of Rights, and Confidentially Disclosing Sexual Violence Policy can be found on the Equity and Campus Diversity website and through links on the Dean of Students and University Police websites.

Download the Title IX campus flier (PDF, 548 KB).

Updated 1/30/2017

Also appeared:
Friday, February 3, 2017
Monday, February 6, 2017
