Posted: Thursday, July 10, 2014Campus Wayfinding: New Program Being Unveiled This Summer
From the Vice President for Finance and Management
Buffalo State is introducing a comprehensive new wayfinding program (PDF) this summer that will dramatically enhance the look of the campus and allow visitors to navigate more comfortably and more successfully.
As part of this program, all exterior building and wayfinding signs are being replaced, and many new signs will be added. In addition, campus maps (PDF) and support materials are being revised to reflect a new naming system for campus entrances, parking lots, pathways, quads, and landmarks.
As this program is implemented, it is important that members of the Buffalo State community understand the new system and be prepared to share it with others who may be unfamiliar with campus.
In the coming weeks, a series of announcements titled “Campus Wayfinding” will be published in the Daily Bulletin to clearly explain the most important aspects of the program. Please take a moment to read these announcements. You may also visit the Finance and Management and Corbin Design websites for more information, or e-mail with any questions.