Posted: Thursday, March 5, 2009Campus Encouraged to Take Part in Storm Water Pollution Survey, Management Plan
From the Vice President for Finance and Management
The Environmental Health and Safety Office has made available a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Survey questionnaire and an updated campus Storm Water Management Plan on its Web site. The campus community is encouraged to fill out the questionnaire and review and comment on the management plan, which has been modified to reflect changes to campus conditions and new requirements of the storm water discharge permit, issued by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
The survey questionnaire and management plan are part of ongoing efforts to increase awareness and inform the campus of the need and methods to prevent and reduce storm water pollution while identifying opportunities for improvement. The survey questionnaire, management plan, instructions for submittal, and additional information on storm water pollution prevention can be obtained from the EH&S Environmental Programs Web site, or by calling the Environmental Health and Safety Office at 878-4038.