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Posted: Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Call for Proposals - AFP 2020: Transformation through Innovation

The Anne Frank Project’s annual social justice festival is an experiential exchange of ideas with a focus on processing theory into practice. We share diverse performances, workshops, and exhibits that actively engage participants in kinesthetic learning opportunities that connect to the festival's theme, AFP's mission, and the story of Anne Frank.

AFP 2020: Transformation through Innovation will be held October 7 and 8.

The global health crisis of 2020 is requiring us to think, act, and educate in new ways to improve our world. “Social distancing” and “flatten the curve” are hashtags dominating our culture. People are re-learning how to tell stories in new physical and digital spaces. Transforming through innovation is how we create, connect, and communicate to serve the needs of our communities. AFP 2020 celebrates the positive innovations in the face of adversity. We seek multidisciplinary workshops and artworks that teach the tools and vocabulary to tell stories in challenging times to inspire hope and build strong, safe communities. Proposals are due July 1.

Call for proposals

Call for artwork

For more information about Buffalo State College’s Anne Frank Project, please visit the AFP website.

Questions? Please e-mail Eve Everette, assistant director.

Submitted by: Eve C. Everette
Also appeared:
Monday, May 11, 2020
Monday, June 1, 2020