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Posted: Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Call for Presentations: SUNY Conference on Instruction and Technology (CIT 2016)

The 25th annual SUNY Conference on Instruction and Technology (CIT 2016), sponsored by the SUNY Faculty Advisory Council on Teaching and Technology (FACT²), will take place May 31–June 3 on the campus of SUNY Potsdam. All SUNY campuses, state-operated, statutory, and community colleges are invited to submit abstracts to present at the conference. Proposals from outside the SUNY system are welcome as well. Proposals are due by Thursday, December 31.

CIT is SUNY's largest and most prominent event on instructional technology, providing a forum for faculty, instructional support professionals, and policymakers to present, discuss, and explore innovative avenues for integrating technology into the teaching and learning environment.

Guidelines for Presentation Submission
This year’s conference theme, "Students at the Center: Creating and Sharing Learning Experiences," is supported by the following tracks: 

  • Open Educational Resources: Strategies, Advantages, and Savings for Students and Faculty in Practice
  • Engaging Students: Tools and Strategies
  • Inquiry: Scholarship, Discovery, and Innovation
  • Student and Faculty Support: Access and Accessibility
  • Going Mobile

Abstract submissions are being accepted at the introductory, intermediate, and advanced levels and in the following formats: presentation, panel, birds of a feather, hands-on demo, ignite, workshop, special interest group, and poster. Please visit the CIT website to view detailed descriptions and to submit a proposal.

To submit a proposal, click "Submit Your Proposal" and follow these steps:

  1. New users, click on "Create New Account."
  2. Enter the required information and click "Next Step."
  3. Create a password and click "Finish."
  4. Click on the link "CIT Abstract Submission."
  5. Complete the submission form.
  6. Remember to "save draft" frequently,
  7. Click "Submit Application" when complete.
Submitted by: Melaine Kenyon
Also appeared:
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015