Posted: Thursday, August 30, 2007Call for Applications: Equity and Campus Diversity Minigrant Proposals
The Equity and Campus Diversity Office will receive applications for Equity and Campus Diversity Minigrants to provide financial assistance for projects, workshops, and activities to strengthen excellence in diversity as described in the college mission, strategic directions, and core values.
Awards of approximately $800 to $2,000 will be awarded to student organizations, academic clubs, departments, programs, and individual faculty or staff members. The average minigrant is expected to be $850; however, projects of superior merit that are directly related to diversity in the curriculum may be funded for up to $2,000. Awards are contingent on available funds and approval by the president. Award funds must comply with SUNY accounting policies and thus cannot be used to purchase food or beverages.
Applications will be reviewed on the following criteria:
1. The project has a sound conceptual framework that can be identified as strengthening the campus commitment to equity and diversity. The project reflects the mission and core values of the college as expressed in the 2003–2008 Strategic Plan, i.e., respect for diversity and individual differences.
2. The project is clearly defined with an easily identified starting and ending point, specific activities, specific goals, and measurable and/or observable outcomes.
3. The project has direct impact upon a significant portion of the campus community and broad visibility. Project activities must be open to all students, faculty, and staff at Buffalo State College and cannot be limited to in-class presentations.
Applications for 2007–2008 programs should be submitted to the Equity and Campus Diversity Office, Cleveland Hall 415. Review of applications will begin upon receipt and will continue contingent on available funds.
Projects must be completed before May 1, 2008. Final reports and requests for reimbursement must be received no later than May 30, 2008.
Minigrants can be used to support activities such as the following:
* Guest speakers on a diversity topic related to a discipline or curriculum.
* Special program(s) intended to increase respect for diversity and individual differences.
* Projects to enhance and support recruitment, retention, and development of a diverse full-time faculty and staff.
* Projects that expand the inclusion of issues related to race, ethnicity, gender, persons with disabilities, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or other areas related to diversity, in curricular and extracurricular offerings, programs, and activities.
For more information, contact Dolores E. Battle, senior adviser to the president for equity and campus diversity, ext. 6210. Additional information and application forms are available online.