Today's Message
Posted: Monday, July 6, 2015Blackboard Training: Workshops for July
The following Blackboard training sessions and workshops will be held in July. Please register online. All sessions will be held in Bulger Communication Center 104.
Blackboard Learn 9.1: Introduction
This workshop is designed for instructors new to Blackboard Learn 9.1 or anyone who would like a refresher course. We will address the basics of navigation, course tools, and procedures necessary to create new content items. By the end of this workshop, learners will be able to navigate the new learning management system, upload files, create content items, add text, add multimedia, and organize content in meaningful ways.
Tuesday, July 7; 9:0010:00 a.m.
Blackboard Learn 9.1: Assessments
This workshop focuses on the available assessment tools in the latest version of Blackboard Learn. By the end of this workshop, learners will be able to create, configure, and deploy individual and group assignments, auto-graded tests, discussions, and Turnitin Direct Assignments. Collecting student submissions to manage grades and feedback for each student and the use of rubrics to simplify the grading process will also be covered.
Friday, July 17; 9:0010:00 a.m.
Blackboard Learn 9.1: Grade Center
The Grade Center in Blackboard Learn is more than just a way to record students' grades. It is a dynamic and interactive tool, allowing you to collect student submissions, record data, calculate grades, and monitor student progress.
This workshop focuses on the skills necessary to use the Grade Center to manage students' grades for assignments, tests, discussion posts, etc. You can also create grade columns for any activities or requirements you want to grade, such as special projects, participation, or attendance. The Grade Center can be individualized to fit your needs.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Wednesday, July 8, 2015