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Posted: Friday, May 29, 2020

Annual Performance Evaluations Reminder

As we prepare our individual and departmental annual reports for 2019–2020, supervisors are reminded that annual performance evaluations for all professional and civil service employees are required by college, SUNY, and state civil service policies, as well as all collective bargaining unit agreements. As we enter uncharted territory in navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, we remain open for business and are learning and adapting to new ways of managing operations in this remote environment. The procedural aspects in the collective bargaining agreements for performance programs and evaluations have not changed, but our approaches can.

Forms may be routed electronically via e-mail. Supervisors may discuss evaluations remotely with employees via mail, e-mail, phone call, Skype, Blackboard Collaborate, or other method and scan the file to employees. Please be sure the employee receives a copy of the evaluation before it is forwarded to the next person for approval. Supervisors may call employees to confirm receipt of e-mails.

The evaluation cycle for professional employees with permanent appointment and for Management Confidential employees is July 1–June 30 of each year, which aligns with the cycle for annual reports. The evaluation cycle for classified employees with permanent appointment is April 1–March 31 of each year. Human Resource Management tracks and records completed performance evaluations for all employees.

Employees with probationary or term appointments should be evaluated on cycles beginning with the date of appointment. Human Resource Management will remind supervisors when evaluations or recommendations related to probationary and term appointments are required.

Evaluations should be based on a performance program that clarifies job expectations and goals for the following year. Job descriptions should be reviewed each year and updated as appropriate. Supervisors are asked to ensure that this information is current for their professional and civil service employees.

Managing employee performance with job descriptions, performance programs, and evaluations is an ongoing process of communication between a supervisor and an employee and provides an opportunity to address issues in a timely fashion and to more effectively foster employee development. By clarifying job expectations and responsibilities and providing specific feedback, supervisors enhance their staff's ability to be successful in their work and meet expected outcomes and goals.

Information and forms on the performance evaluation process are available on the Human Resource Management website.

If you have questions or need assistance with employee evaluations, please contact Human Resource Management at or

Thank you for all the contributions you have been making in these challenging times. We appreciate your dedication and cooperation in this important process.

Submitted by: Jamie E. Warnes
Also appeared:
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Tuesday, June 16, 2020