Posted: Friday, January 28, 2011Annual 25-Year-Employees Luncheon
From the President
I am pleased to invite the college community to the annual luncheon honoring faculty and staff who are in their 25th year of service at Buffalo State College. The event will take place on Tuesday, March 8, at noon at the Saturn Club, 977 Delaware Avenue. Reservations will be accepted through February 28.
The 18 employees crossing the 25-year mark this year are:
Tammy Anna, Technology
Paul Bardak, Information Technology Exchange Center
Jerry Boyes, Intercollegiate Athletics
David Ettestad, Physics
Raymond Flanagan, Mail Room
Ronald George, Counseling Center
James Hamm, Art Conservation
Maureen Lindstrom, E. H. Butler Library
Michael Littman, Business
Therese Locher, Procurement Services
Gary Pettibone, Biology
Sharon Raimondi, Exceptional Education
Scott Roberts, Health and Wellness
Shirley Roberts, Student Accounts Office
Amy Rockwell, E.H. Butler Library
Joanne Santiago, Residence Life Office
Jill Singer, Earth Sciences and Science Education
J. Robert Stalder, Academic Skills Center.
To make your reservation, please complete the registration form, or call Laurie or Melissa at ext. 4101