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Posted: Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Alice Villaseńor, Associate Director, Civic and Community Engagement, and Talia Rodriguez, Associate Director, West Side Promise Neighborhood

Alice Villaseńor, associate director of the Civic and Community Engagement Office (CCE), and Talia Rodriguez, associate director of West Side Promise Neighborhood (WSPN), facilitated the session “Service-Learning Pre-Reflections: A Food Security Reflection Activity” at the conference Beyond the Classroom: Community-Engaged Teaching and Research, held at Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania, on June 2.

Their session on pre-reflection combined a brief informational presentation with a practical demonstration. The CCE team highlighted research on the importance of pre-reflection for student learning in community-engaged learning courses. They then discussed a specific food security reflection activity that the WSPN invites its new stakeholders (including community-engaged learning students) to complete. Participants completed their own food reflections and discussed what they learned from the activity.
