Posted: Wednesday, February 8, 2023Arjun Pathak, Assistant Professor, Physics
Arjun Pathak, assistant professor of physics, published the peer-reviewed scientific article “Magnetic Properties of LaFe2?xCoxSi: A New Two-Phase Naturally Formed Composite Alloy” in the journal American Institute of Physics (AIP) Advances 13, 025320 (2023). The article, led by Noah Kramer, a Buffalo State technology major and physics minor, along with other collaborators, reports the comprehensive magnetic and structural properties of a new two-phase composite alloy for magnetic refrigeration-alternative cooling technology. Mr. Kramer, a 2022 undergraduate summer research fellow and EURO awardee from the Buffalo State Undergraduate Research Office, has been working with Dr. Pathak since spring 2022. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation and the Undergraduate Research Office.