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Posted: Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Luke Haumesser, Associate Director, Student Leadership and Engagement

Luke Haumesser, associate director of student leadership and engagement, co-published a chapter in the book Student Carers in Higher Education: Navigating, Resisting, and Re-inventing Academic Cultures (Routledge, 2022). The book maps the experiences of student carers in academic cultures, exploring the intersectional ways in which gender, class, race, and other social categories define who can take up a position as a student and a carer. It is framed by concerns of equity and diversity in higher education and ways that diverse people with wide-ranging care responsibilities are able to access and engage with degree-level study. The book promotes the idea of a more inclusive and equitable higher education environment and supports the emergence of more ‘care-full’ academic cultures that value and recognize care and carers.

The chapter, "Fragmented Perceptions of Institutional Support for Food-Insecure Student-Parents," draws on interviews with various stakeholders at one university to examine the delivery of institutional supports for food-insecure students and the ways in which they acknowledge or erase food insecure student-parents' multiple identities.
