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Posted: Thursday, June 11, 2015

2015–2016 College Senate Standing Committees

Committee interest forms will be available on the College Senate website beginning July 1 for those who are interested in serving on one or more of the eight Senate standing committees. The deadline for submissions will be Friday, August 21. Standing committee chairs reserve the right to determine committee membership and make all membership decisions. Not all standing committees may need members.

2015–2016 Senate Standing Committee Chairs
Academic Plan, Jason Grinnell
Budget and Staff Allocations, Frederick Floss
Bylaws and Elections, Kevin Williams
Curriculum, Marc Bayer
Faculty and Staff Welfare, Amitra Wall
Instruction and Research, Scott Goodman
Standards for Students, Heather Maldonado
Student Welfare (vice chair), Amy Rosen-Brand (committee chair is a student senator elected at the first or second Senate meeting each fall)
