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Posted: Monday, February 25, 2019

Nuala McGann Drescher Leave Program: Applications Due March 22 for Fall 2019 Leaves

The Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Affirmative Action/Diversity Leave Program enhances employment opportunities for UUP-represented employees who are preparing for permanent or continuing appointments, with preference given to minorities, women, employees with disabilities, or employees with military status. The types of support available include payment of employee's regular salary by the campus; salary for a replacement; and other related expenses for research or study with a justification.

Full-time, term employees in a position eligible for permanent or continuing appointment who have had at least one term-renewal or prior service credit may apply for this leave. Details about eligibility requirements and the application procedure can be found on the Governor's Office of Employee Relations website along with program guidelines and the application.

Applications for leaves for the fall semester 2019 must be submitted to the Joint Labor Management Committee (see guidelines) by Monday, April 15. Such applications must be accompanied by various documents, including letters of endorsement from the campus (your respective provost, vice president, CIO, or CDO) and the dean (for academic employees). Such endorsement must indicate the campus's financial contribution of a minimum of 40 percent of the cost of salary for a replacement for the duration of the leave and a minimum of 40 percent of the total project or activity expenses.

To allow time for securing the required documentation, Buffalo State applicants should follow these procedures:

  1. Employee contacts the dean's or associate vice president's office for leave approval and commitments to pay 40 percent of salary replacement costs and OTPS.
  2. Employee completes Drescher Leave Application, including budget summary.
  3. Employee obtains letter of financial support from the dean or associate vice president and forwards to his or her respective provost, vice president, CIO, or CDO with the application. The application should be sent to the employee's respective provost, vice president, CIO, or CDO no later than Friday, March 22, to allow time for review of application and preparation of support materials.
  4. Provost, vice president, CIO, or CDO prepares letter of support to the Joint Labor Management Committee (JLMC).
  5. Employee submits completed application to the JLMC by the April 15, 2019, deadline.
Submitted by: Susan J Earshen
Also appeared:
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Monday, March 11, 2019